One of the great stories of human history, and an overview of what is really happening on this planet, is contained in Rev. 12.
It is the encoded story of the working of God versus Satan, occurring on this planet; which is a cosmic battle but fundamentally unknown to mankind.
In this story though, we find that there is an answer provided for man's woeful perplexing experience here on earth.
Most people on the planet are adverse to characterizing life on earth in negative terms. Their lack of objectivity tempts them to try and put a positive spin on a negative situation of reality. Consequently there is a default to paint a rosy picture of this world.
Yet if one were truly honest and faced reality as it is, an accurate picture of life here on earth should be characterized as a very painful and disturbing experience. Some may have it better than others, but life here is filled with sorrows; many sorrows, perplexities, and full of grief. All one has to do is look at the expanse of time and the expense of human history to see that the human experience is filled with wars, famines, pestilence, you name it, but in the midst of it God does provide hope.
In the 12th chapter of Revelation we find a powerful story that sheds light on a proper worldview. It is a complete picture helping see through the haze of this life. It is an answer for explaining the human condition!
Here we find a woman clothed with the sun and the moon at her feet with twelve stars and about to give birth to a man child. This is clearly a picture of the Jews and Israel who brought forth Jesus. The Jews gave us Christ through Mary his mother, hence salvation is of the Jews. And Jesus is the hope of the world and yet also we find a horrific conflict. Revelation 12.
We see a “great dragon” who seeks to devour the “Man Child.” The dragon has seven heads and ten horns. The dragon is a rendering of the devil/Lucifer who is the adversary of old to the “Man Child. He is the Almighty Father who was at war with the dragon before the dragon was thrown down to earth; and before the “Man Child” came into this world.
It is a code that explains how over time the manifestation of the dragon's design impacts the earth in a system of empires that have existed down through time. These empires exist in a system one after the other that is characterized as a beast having seven heads, or seven empires. It is through these empires that Satan; the dragon, comes down on earth, attacks not only the man child but the woman; Israel, and her children; the Jews and the Christians.
But just as the killing of Christ was an over reach by Satan so will the over reach of Satan in seeking to kill the woman and her offspring. Notice the woman stands on the moon. A clear reference to the religion of the moon. It is also a picture of Christ gaining supremacy over the moon. He stands on the moon!
Throughout human history, since the time of Adam and Eve, there has been a continuous assault on men to annihilate and castrate them.
It started with Eve who was corrupted and deceived by entering into a dialogue with the serpent. As a result of her conversation with a being that was characterized as a twisted serpent, the divine order of the relationship of a man to a woman was usurped. It was to be turned upside down by the serpent.
After centuries, even millennia the exacerbation has become rampant. Over the expanse of time women have become exalted, and put on a pedestal. Satan has pulled off a massive usurpation of God’s order. But the degree to which it has become today spanned a great deal of time.
Nevertheless throughout time women deities have been worshiped.
In ancient Greece there was Diana and before in Egypt it was Isis, and in the middle east there was the goddess of sin, or the Moon god.
So the term sin in the Christian parlance was a through back to the goddess known as the Moon god. The term sin became synonymous with the Moon god female deity. She was the lesser light in the heavens.
The embodiment of the Moon god or the manifestation of the female moon god deity was characterized as Jezebel in the church of Thyatira in the book of Revelation.
Today, the Jezebel spirit has been let out of the bottle. The female spirit has taken over the world!
But remember the final victory is with the Lord, as His followers, or the Church symbolized by a woman standing on the moon.