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The Overreach

August 10, 2023

One of the great stories of human history, and an overview of what is really happening on this planet, is contained in Rev. 12.

It is the encoded story of the working of God versus Satan, occurring on this planet; which is a cosmic battle but fundamentally unknown to mankind.

In this story though, we find that there is an answer provided for man's woeful perplexing experience here on earth.

Most people on the planet are adverse to characterizing life on earth in negative terms. Their lack of objectivity tempts them to try and put a positive spin on a negative situation of reality. Consequently there is a default to paint a rosy picture of this world.

Yet if one were truly honest and faced reality as it is, an accurate picture of life here on earth should be characterized as a very painful and disturbing experience. Some may have it better than others, but life here is filled with sorrows; many sorrows, perplexities, and full of grief. All one has to do is look at the expanse of time and the expense of human history to see that the human experience is filled with wars, famines, pestilence, you name it, but in the midst of it God does provide hope.

In the 12th chapter of Revelation we find a powerful story that sheds light on a proper worldview. It is a complete picture helping see through the haze of this life. It is an answer for explaining the human condition!

Here we find a woman clothed with the sun and the moon at her feet with twelve stars and about to give birth to a man child. This is clearly a picture of the Jews and Israel who brought forth Jesus. The Jews gave us Christ through Mary his mother, hence salvation is of the Jews. And Jesus is the hope of the world and yet also we find a horrific conflict. Revelation 12.

We see a “great dragon” who seeks to devour the “Man Child.” The dragon has seven heads and ten horns. The dragon is a rendering of the devil/Lucifer who is the adversary of old to the “Man Child. He is the Almighty Father who was at war with the dragon before the dragon was thrown down to earth; and before the “Man Child” came into this world.

It is a code that explains how over time the manifestation of the dragon's design impacts the earth in a system of empires that have existed down through time. These empires exist in a system one after the other that is characterized as a beast having seven heads, or seven empires. It is through these empires that Satan; the dragon, comes down on earth, attacks not only the man child but the woman; Israel, and her children; the Jews and the Christians.

But just as the killing of Christ was an over reach by Satan so will the over reach of Satan in seeking to kill the woman and her offspring. Notice the woman stands on the moon. A clear reference to the religion of the moon. It is also a picture of Christ gaining supremacy over the moon. He stands on the moon!

Throughout human history, since the time of Adam and Eve, there has been a continuous assault on men to annihilate and castrate them.

It started with Eve who was corrupted and deceived by entering into a dialogue with the serpent. As a result of her conversation with a being that was characterized as a twisted serpent, the divine order of the relationship of a man to a woman was usurped. It was to be turned upside down by the serpent.

After centuries, even millennia the exacerbation has become rampant. Over the expanse of time women have become exalted, and put on a pedestal. Satan has pulled off a massive usurpation of God’s order. But the degree to which it has become today spanned a great deal of time.

Nevertheless throughout time women deities have been worshiped.

In ancient Greece there was Diana and before in Egypt it was Isis, and in the middle east there was the goddess of sin, or the Moon god.

So the term sin in the Christian parlance was a through back to the goddess known as the Moon god. The term sin became synonymous with the Moon god female deity. She was the lesser light in the heavens.

The embodiment of the Moon god or the manifestation of the female moon god deity was characterized as Jezebel in the church of Thyatira in the book of Revelation.

Today, the Jezebel spirit has been let out of the bottle. The female spirit has taken over the world!

But remember the final victory is with the Lord, as His followers, or the Church symbolized by a woman standing on the moon.


August 10, 2023
One of the more overlooked scriptures in terms of its present tense application is in the book of 2 nd Peter. It was foretold that there would come those who would secretly introduce damnable heresies into the Kingdom of God. The idea of secretly is best explained by the word “smuggle.” These people who would introduce heresies would deliberately smuggle into the Kingdom damnable falsified teachings. The extreme effect of those teachings would cause some people to fall away and for others to go so far as to even deny Christ. The picture of this activity was conveyed by Jesus Himself. He taught in a parable of a woman who hid three pecks of leaven into a lump of meal. The leaven would continue to spread until it had risen throughout the whole lump. This is exactly what has happened to Christendom! Some 500 years ago a false prophetic doctrine was secretly introduced into God’s Kingdom. It has for the most part gone undetected! It has metastasized now into the 21 st century like cancer into the whole world! But what is it, and how have faithful men of God not detected this heresy? How has this come about? The Satanic strategy isn’t to totally refute what God has said, but to challenge the interpretation of what God has said! To Eve was the question, did God say? Satan baits her into a theological question! It wasn’t Satan’s trying to deny what God had said, but rather what He said. In Eve’s response to Satan’s query she gets confused as to the right interpretation! In the Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Corinth he confronts the leaders with the problem of solely accepting the teaching of prominent men in the church rather than seeking the Lord as to whether these teachings were so! Paul says, “one claims to follow Apollos, one says “I follow Peter,” one says “I follow Paul,” to which Paul says, “who are we but servants of Jesus.” But then he adds these remarkable words, “You look at things outwardly and are living as “mere men””! And because men look at things outwardly, as mere men, they are prone to being deceived! In 1580 a brilliant Spanish priest after the order of the Jesuits, was ordered by Pope Paul III to war against the accusations of the Protestant Reformers. The Reformers, led by Martin Luther, were accusing the Pope, and the Catholic Church as being the anti- Christ! In order to put a stop to these accusations, and the spread of Protestantism into Eastern Europe and the entire world, the Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera, commissioned by the Pope, wrote a 500 page commentary on the book of Revelation. His commentary stopped the bleeding! What Ribera managed to do was to deflect the powerful attack away from the Pope. He did this by skillfully theologically proving that the anti-Christ could not appear until the end of the age. His doctrine; therefore, logically speaking, made it impossible that the Pope could be the antichrist! His plan was to block the advance of the Protestant Reformation, but it was also to bring back into the fold the millions of those escapees from Catholicism.
August 10, 2023
From time to time we deal with different aspects or different details concerning the proper location for the last great prophecy to be fulfilled before the return of Christ. That prophecy if you have been following our blogs concerns the rebuilding of the 3 rd Jewish Temple. As you may well know, the majority of people who are concerned and interested in that prophecy predominantly think the 3rd Temple is to be built where the Muslim Dome of the Rock sits. But there are many details, or what I like to call fragments of truth that when fitted together, like pieces of a puzzle, form an entirely different picture for where that location of the 3 rd temple really is to be built. In this blog I want to deal with one of the pieces to the puzzle. This piece of the puzzle or fragment concerns an ancient sect of Jews called the Essenes. They were a highly religious group of Hermits who lived strictly according to the Laws of the Jews and the histories of the Jews. Especially when it came to ancient landmarks and sacred geographical and historical locations of their people. During the time of the Hasmonean Empire, (around 180 BC) under the rule of the Maccabees, a priest King was chosen and given unilateral authority to rule. His name was Simon the Hasmonian. After he became King, and after the Jewish Temple had been liberated from the Syrian, Antiochus the 4 th, by Judah his older brother, Simon set about to recapture the Citadel of David atop Mt. Zion. Antiochus had not only captured the Jews Temple he also captured the Citadel on top of Mt Zion. In fact, Antiochus held on to the Citadel for another twenty years after the liberation of the Temple. Simon was so incensed at the desecration of the Temple that he actually tore it down thinking that it had become too defiled by the Syrians. But he also never wanted a foreign power to take command of Mt. Zion ever again. And this is the key! Consequently, over a three year period (see the book of Maccabees), he cut down Mt Zion, (you can still see today, the cuts he made to the Southeast ridge) and he even removed the tomb of David to the western hill. Simon did a great excavation of the real city of Jerusalem which was the City of David. And the City of David was where the Temple(s) were built. The Essenes who lived in Jerusalem at the time were completely aghast at these activities of Simon. They believed he had transgressed the Law and by also removing ancient boundaries and tombs. In protest to what they thought were almost unforgivable sins by Simon the priest King, they packed up and moved to Qumran on the Dead Sea and lived there as hermits. It was at Qumran (you can still visit the excavations today) where they wrote the Dead sea scrolls, and in one of the scrolls (The Temple Scroll) in particular they wrote about their hatred for the evil priest King Simon. They never mentioned his name, but it is obvious that in their move to Qumran and their writings of what had occurred in Jerusalem they were referring to Simon the Hasmonian; the evil priest king. The side story concerning the Essenes is but another piece of the puzzle that establishes the Southeast Ridge as the location of the city of David, or old Jerusalem, where both the two former temples stood and where the third one should be built. The real Temple Mount was over the Gihon Springs on top of the Old Jerusalem which was the City of David. (please review the film, “Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews”)
August 10, 2023
Oh Lord animal sacrifices thou hast not required, but a body thou hast prepared for me” Heb 10:5 This is a mysterious scripture that requires some explanation. Certainly there were animal sacrifices that were required as a means of dealing with the people's sins. During the Old Testament era, this was the daily chores of the Levitical priests. So then why does this scripture say animal sacrifices thou has not required? In the bigger objective picture of redemption, animal sacrifices could not bring eternal atonement or what is more commonly called salvation. The blood of animals could not and cannot adjudicate the sins of the sinner in the everlasting sense; only in a temporal sense. Even those who have died before Jesus came must also come through His blood atonement. In fact even Jesus entered the heavens through His own blood. So then, animal sacrifices thou hast not required makes sense. But what is the meaning of God the Father preparing a body for me? In our blog on the seven thunders, we explained the magnificent revelation of the creative cyclical nature of how God set up this universe and other universes. It would be a good idea if you haven't read that blog to bring yourself up to speed, but what we did not uncover in that blog was how the big bang or thunders occurred. What made the very substance; matter explode? The antithesis of matter is spirit. When the Holy Spirit touched the matter it exploded. When you notice in the Bible the encounters that men have with angels they tend to shutter in the presence of angels. That is because human flesh/matter cannot handle the Spirit. So when a human encounters an angel the pure spirit nature of an angel has a demonstrable effect on the flesh which is matter. Those who have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit can attest to the explosive nature of the Spirit of God upon them. In my own experience I can tell you when I was immersed in the Holy Spirit, I thought I was going to die. I even had to ask God to turn down the amplitude, because I thought my body was going to explode. Such is the nature of the Spirit when it touches flesh, and matter. Now imagine the magnitude and volume of God's Spirit which would come upon and into Christ's very human body. It could not have been just any ordinary human body like ours. So as you rewind the movie and go back in time you see that Jesus was born of a virgin (no sin taint) and that she was a Jewish girl. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit who overshadowed Mary. And if you trace back through her lineage all the way back it all began with the tribe of Eber which was an offshoot from the line of Shem. Shem was one of the threes sons of Noah. This branch, from Noah's three sons, was singled out to be the genetic line that would be set apart from the other two sons. And it was from the lineage of Shem (in modern times known as semites) from which would eventuate the very body of Christ! The genetic integrity had to be maintained over many centuries. From the tribe of Eber we have the Eberews hence Hebrews. Then from the Hebrews came the twelve tribes, and the tribe of Judah was singled out from whence would come the Jews. The Jews are the chosen people for this reason and for a racially pure genetic stream. God was overseeing and orchestrating a body that He prepared. The body of Christ was capable of containing the magnitude of the Spirit that could be manifested on earth in the body of Christ It is for this reason salvation is of the Jews. “Animal sacrifices thou hast not required but a body thou hast prepared for me.” Hebrews 10:5
August 10, 2023
The Lord's Day is the true Sabbath Day. But it is not a Sabbath that people truly grasp. In the old Testament days it was sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Traditionally throughout history it was a specific day set aside to commemorate and remember the 7 th day of creation. On that day the Lord rested from all His labor, but the Sabbath that John was keeping was not Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. It was a different type of Sabbath Day! The book of Hebrews explains that there was yet another Sabbath day. Here is what it says. “Now if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For whoever enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His.” The writer of Hebrews is using an historical story to shed light on a different type of Sabbath. After all they were already keeping the 4 th commandment of the Sabbath day Law. But here we find, using an historical story, about another Sabbath Day. A Sabbath Day that they had not yet entered! This was a different kind of Sabbath then what had and has been commonly observed. It was not a specific day like a Friday or a Saturday or a Sunday.” When God rested on the 7 th day He still managed to create Adam and Eve and plant a garden. It of course was the garden of Eden. So where was His rest? He rested from the first six days which were conceptual days of creation. A good way to understand this conceptual work of the six days of creation, can be likened to a man writing a screenplay. The movie exists on paper. When the man finishes the writing stage then he rests from the writing, and it is time to do the shooting of the movie with cameras, actresses and actors sets etc. In the New American Standard Bible it says it this way. “And God rested from everything He created to make” I think this says it well! He created in the spirit realm and then made it in the physical. He rested from everything He created (in the spirit) to make (in the physical). The Biblical first six days of creation were the screenwriting stage, so to speak. When He rested from that he went about the movie making part. Again allegorically speaking. It is interesting that every one of the six days of conceptualization or creation ends with the word the morning and the evening. Those words are more accurately rendered dawning and setting. In other words they had a beginning and an ending. But on the 7 th day when He rested from the conceptual there are no words morning and evening (ie. dawning and setting). That seems to indicate that there is no beginning nor ending to the 7 th day. The Lord's Day has no beginning nor ending. It is a perpetual rest! It is a perpetual Sabbath Day. But to enter the Sabbath Day we must exercise our faith! So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God! For whoever enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His. John knew how to enter the Sabbath rest which is every day and that is the Lord’s Day.
August 10, 2023
Even as a young boy who was born after World War Two, I was caught with a fixation on the war years, the people, the music, the colossal story itself captivated me. While all my friends were into the Elvis Presley pop culture of the 1950s I was stuck in the 1940s. I guess one could call me an anachronism. I loved the era. What a story! The great antagonists, Hitler, Mussolini, the Japanese and the stakes were so high. The whole world was at war. I fantasized wondering what kind of soldier I would have been, what branch of the service I would have signed up for, would I have died on the beaches of Normandy? And then there was the great celebration when the United States emerged victorious. I wished I had been in New York along with the multitudes when the party broke out. What a moment! I constantly put myself back in time. I didn't realize it then, but I was a time traveler. When the 1960s came around I was so apart, I was socially retarded and very much out of step with my classmates. I was Walter Mitty personified, so great was the nostalgia for the era. I had no idea then but a metaphor was being formed in my heart. As a result of those people and that time, I have always had a deep sense of patriotism and great love for the military. I was a terrible student not interested in academia in the least. My only interest was to try to find a way back to feel and know and experience what the “great generation” had come through. Then I stumbled onto football. It was the only panacea that provided a semblance to fill the void for one who wished he'd been born twenty years earlier. My fate was sealed, those historic moments in time formed the rudimentary mindset of a time traveler. When the Michael J. Fox movie “Back to the Future,” and it's tremendous success, I learned I wasn't alone, and that most everyone fantasizes about traveling back and forth in time. When I first came to Christ after two disastrous and failed attempts at Professional football, I was told that Jesus was the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Here was the first exciting idea I had come upon about God and time. Alpha and Omega has to do with time. It is one of my greatest hopes that when we escape these mortal bodies, set and appointed to perish in a few paltry years, that our new bodies reserved in the heavens will be able to go backwards and forwards in time. I think they will. But for now we only have imagination and memory which are a crude form of time travel. Ezekiel, the great prophet, called those inner workings the “chamber of imagery.” As a Jewish boy growing up in a home without Jesus, I had less then zero knowledge of the Bible. When I discovered the scriptures at the ripe old age of twenty-five, I naturally gravitated to the time of the prophets of the Old Testament, and the deeply mysterious book of Revelation. Fast forward from that time fifty years. After five decades of study, pioneering and the senior pastorate of three churches, producing twenty films and writing four books, appearing on countless radio and TV shows, you become pretty confident you know something. But what was about to break upon me was totally unexpected and unprecedented in my walk with Jesus. It was not something that welled up inside nor something I had anticipated. The best way to describe it was a gentle tapping on my shoulder although it wasn't a physical tapping one could feel, it was just a very gentle dawning. I have come to understand it was an angelic touch. God sends his proxies, the angels, to minister or render help to those who are the heirs of salvation. But what amounted to a gentle touch would blow up all my categories and presuppositions about almost everything. Except of course my foundational faith in Jesus. What I was about to be introduced to was a monumental trip back into time. It wasn't a booming voice out of heaven or a great light that shone about me, it was a very gentle awakening. After all those years of Biblical study it dawned on me that I had a very scant knowledge of the first century. Then as confirmation to the gentle touch, when I read the first chapter of Revelation I noticed where John heard a voice behind him and he had to turn around. I saw that the voice was behind him which, to him meant he was being allowed to view things in the spiritual realm which was written first before men walked on earth, but to me it was a call that I must turn around and hear the voice of history. I realized that I must turn around and return to the past. I had to go back to the first century. I know what you are thinking. “I want to go forward into the future, not backward into the past. I want to know the prophecies! What is going to happen is what I want to know.” I know but a predisposition and fixation and fascination with the future and what is to come is not by itself a healthy diet. Jesus Himself said as much when His disciples questioned Him about, “when is the time of your coming, all these things, and the end of the Age.”? They too were very interested in the future. He warned them and said, “Be not deceived, for many will come in my name and mislead many.” So are we not to be interested in prophecy? Yes we are but prophecy tends to focus our attention on outward signs. Looking for signs tends to redirect the focus onto the outer world. Paul rebuked the Corinthians when he said, “you look outwardly.” When I traveled back twenty centuries I discovered that many things I had learned were Church traditions. The most shocking revelation was where Jesus actually died and how he died. I had thought He died at either the Church of the Holy Sepulchre or the Garden Tomb. But according to the bible (for full explanation refer to “The Unforgettable Tree”) Jesus could have only been killed east of the temple, because the centurion who was at the feet of Jesus when He died saw the earthquake and the veil of the temple tear in half. He could only have viewed this from the Mount of Olives which would have been east of the Temple. It would have also been somewhat elevated so that he could look downward into the Temple area. This small fact alone is monumental in proving that tradition is the enemy of the truth, but the whole world persists in the commonly held tradition for the location of Jesus death, burial and resurrection In addition when our focus is primarily on the outward world we tend to lose our sensitivity to the spiritual dimension and miss the tremendous benefit of God's Kingdom now. What I mean by the kingdom now is the apprehension of the work of the Holy Spirit and the visitation of the Lord's proxies His angel/messenger. We are to know not only by the scripture but by are own experience that the angels are ministering spirits sent to render service to the heirs of salvation is not just some remote idea. It is to be an experiential spiritual reality. The spiritual stairway for most, however, is cluttered with mental debris and the angels are blocked. It is time to remove the clutter and unblock the stairway. As we look for the return of Jesus by straining our neck to apprehend the outward signs we lose sight of the most fundamental aspect of prophecy itself. “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Do we really have a testimony of Jesus? We may say, “Oh yes, I remember when I got saved many years ago, but do we have a present testimony of Jesus and what He is doing in our lives now, today, not decades ago. What He is doing in me occurs by the overshadowing of His Kingdom. If we are having revelation of His word by the spirit and visitation by the angels we have the testimony of Jesus and we have the spirit of prophecy. I guarantee that if you have God’s proxy angelic visitation you are going to have a testimony. King David of Israel said, Lord you have visited me on my bed, when I was asleep. If we are called to redeem the time then the night time when we are asleep should be redeemed. Angelic visitations have changed the world. But the key to the access of the angels rests upon one thing, and it was this one thing the apostle Paul determined was his primary concern in his day. In fact he said it this way, “For I am determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. I was with you in much fear and trembling.” 1 Cor 2:3 That was his singular focus to know Christ and Him crucified. Until we come to a full recognition of this primary focus we will at best flitter around spiritual reality. But the Lord has better things in mind for us. I did not come to fully grasp the magnitude until I wrote the book “The Unforgettable Tree” when I discovered the exact location of Christ's death. The tradition for Catholics holds that Jesus died at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Protestants and Pentacostles believe it was the Garden Tomb north of the Damascus gate. The exact location does not alter one's salvation but a more exact knowledge of where He died leads to the precise knowledge of how He died. And how He died affects our complete understanding of the powerful effect of His death. The effect of His death on our daily lives is the regenerating power necessary for keeping our hearts and minds receptive to the ministry of His angels and His Kingdom today, and everyday. In the Old Testament days when the outer temple was standing (the outer temple was a shadow of the New Testament temple which is His church the people) it was necessary for the Jewish priest to sprinkle the temple altar, the holy of holies, the Ark of the Covenant, the people, and just about everything with blood. It took blood to cleanse and sanctify everything. Today the cleansing is by the blood of Jesus which needs to be sprinkled on our hearts daily, and even throughout the day, because of the sin that so easily besets us. We have to manage and maintain our hearts and minds. We do this through the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus in prayer. There is a tradition where, how, and why Jesus died but there is more to the story then what has come down through the centuries. As we oil the rusty centuries of history we will see with crystal clarity the incredible story of not only where but how and why Jesus died. It must be carefully underscored that If you and I continue to neglect the need to have our spirit which is my heart sprinkled with the blood, the less I become receptive to the Kingdom of God whether by the conviction of the Holy Spirit or the ministry of the angels. The lack of attention to the ongoing maintenance and management of our heart produces what is called the hardening of the heart. But now we can see more exactly where, how and why Jesus died for us with greater depth of understanding and how critical it is to apply His regenerating blood daily. No wonder Paul said, “I was with you with great fear and trembling.” Let us fear and tremble with Paul lest we come short of all that God would have us become.
August 10, 2023
The greatest strategy by Lucifer to hamstring God's people is Pornography. Let me take a minute to lay this out. In contradiction to Lucifer's ingenious ways, God has set in motion a greater strategy and that strategy involves you and me. In the grand configuration of the creation God uses angels/messengers to traverse the heavens. They act as His proxies. God delegates authority and the angelic realm is so arranged to accomplish His purposes throughout this enormous creation that contains billions if not trillions of galaxies. These Holy entities accomplish His Will, as they travel the starways. When Jesus taught the Lord's prayer it was not to be uttered as a liturgy, but rather an insight and serve as a means for connecting with angelic empowerment! It was to serve as a guide for Christ’s followers so they could cooperate with His divine purposes here on earth! While; for now, man is in a position “a little lower than the angels” believers are, by Jesus, vested with the authority under Christ to appropriate heaven's will on earth. Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in the heaven(s). Matt:6:9-13 Satan or Lucifer; whom he was called before being cast out of the heaven(s) , does not want God's will to be done on the earth. While man has an IQ range of perhaps 70 to 130 IQ, Satan's IQ by example is perhaps in the 1000’s. He is far more intelligent than you and I. Remember he is a fallen arch angel. He was set over thousands of angels. before his fall. We can gain a glimpse of his far reaching authority. “Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand.” To have command as an archangel it meant to have an extremely high intelligence. Lucifer was an archangel formerly over the Cherubim angels, so he had a vast intelligence. To imagine a human being could out think him is beyond ridiculous! Lucifer/Satan has deployed a strategy to weaken and destroy our greatest strength; prayer. He does not want the Lord's prayer to be exercised. He does not want heaven to come to earth. He is “the god” of this world and wants nothing to do with God. The greatest way to hinder Heavens will coming to earth, is to hamstring (though guilt) the working of our greatest authoritative weapon which is prayer. We are God's witnesses, His proxies, His delegates on earth, His intercessors. The idea that we can come before God to petition, to intercede, to beseech, to entreat, to request, to inquire, of Holy God must be guarded at all costs; we have access to God. Could we have a greater privilege than this? Think of it. It is through our prayers that must be expressed into the air where Satan dwells, that brings heaven down and appropriates God's kingdom to earth. Without our proper function, things remain at a standstill. The exportation and dissemination of “Pornography” is a master stroke of satan's design against not only ourselves, but directly aimed at the Lord's prayer, and for God's will to be accomplished on earth It is a virtual attack on this greatest privilege and power. When we flesh out and pursue pornography we are committing the sin of Esau who sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. See to it that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. Hebs 12:6 When we receive Jesus we are born again and with that birth is the birthright of access to the throne of God through prayer. Don't sell out. When we sin or transgress in this way, willfully we create the inability and disability to pray. Prayer is what we are called to because it is through prayer we bring heaven down to earth. When our conscience is soiled we cannot lift up our heads (in prayer) to our Father God. If you find yourself in this dilemma then you have been outwitted by Lucifer/satan, and are forfeiting your birthright; prayer. Remember, prayer is access to the very throne of God. Please turn away from this theft of your enemy; take communion and get it back. God will forgive you and restore your standing to prayer. The blood of Jesus will never lose its power.
August 10, 2023
If you follow my posts the last time I wrote I gave a spiritual perspective of the two camps. The divide in America is clear. There are those of the conservative camp and those of the liberal. It is perceivable in a political context. If you remember I described it as a prophetic phenomena. God is fulfilling His word and separating the sheep from the goats. And while in the United States we feel it daily it is also world wide. But how has this all come about? Believe it or not it all began in the 16 th century. It actually commenced with Martin Luther. Any student of history knows that it was Luther who was the one who initiated the protest against the Catholic Church. He was a priest who protested against the indulgences of the liberal priesthood. He attacked the debauchery within the Catholic church and demanded by his decrees an answer to the Church's corruption of scripture. Luther was hailed as one of history's greatest theologians. His bold and daring attack brought about the Protestant Reformation. It changed everything. Just before he died in 1546 the Catholic Church launched a counter Reformation at the council of Trent which had a profound effect on the whole of Christendom world wide but that is another story for later. What most people are not aware of is that at the outset Luther was sympathetic to the Jews. Martin Luther was one of the greatest people in all of world history. He, by himself, launched the Protestant Reformation in the 16 th century. But while he was considered one of the greatest theologians he also in a de facto sense planted the seeds for the great divide. Most people who consider themselves Protestants are totally unaware of something very significant about Martin Luther. This is a fact of history and not my personal judgment. Even though in his earlier years Luther was sympathetic to the terrible plight of the Jewish people, over the years he did an about face towards them. He became terribly hateful. His attitude was reflected in his writings so it is on record. In fact he was so virulently despising in his heart towards them it spread and became a racial hatred amongst the Germans in the 16 th century and even onward until the 20 th century. Adolf Hitler was a proponent of Luther's hatred and wrath and the 3 rd Reich was the wretched child that emerged from the womb of history. In fact the horrible night of the broken glass was launched on Luther's birthday. This was not a coincidence or serendipity. Luther's hatred paved the way for the holocaust and World War 2. As a result Christianity to the Jews was linked to the Holocaust. What a mess!
August 10, 2023
From time to time in our blogs we will segway back to pieces of the puzzle concerning “the true location” for the third temple of the Jews. Why this is so important is because they believe there must be a rebuilt third temple before the Messiah returns to the earth. The world believes there must be a third temple, but the Jews today who gather at the Wailing Wall to entreat God to allow them to build up on the so-called " temple mount” are totally confused about the real and true location for the rebuilding of their temple. Nevertheless, they continue this futile pursuit unaware they are praying and crying in vain. Today, we will point to what may be the most significant fact that proves where the real and true location for all their previous temples were in the past; hence the rightful place for their future temple. When God led Israel in the bygone days, He did it through the Levitical priesthood. The chief priest would wear a breastplate that held twelve precious stones; each stone representing one of the 12 tribes of Israel. The breast plate was called the “Urim and the Thummim.” When the chief priest would entreat God concerning matters that related to the tribes, a specific stone would light up, and this was how God communicated with Israel with His directives. But these directives were preceded by the fact that the priest(s) had to be ceremonially cleansed. And this issue of cleanliness is the key issue that points to why the location for the temple (the Jews believe today is on top where the Dome of the Rock stands) is incorrect. Water is the key to where the temple should be rebuilt
August 10, 2023
The book of Revelation speaks of strange encrypted images. When it comes to the 13 th chapter there are two images cast as beasts. The first beast comes up out of the sea. The sea is interpreted as peoples, nations, multitudes, and tongues. The beast is a system of governance that is of Satan's design. It rises up slowly over the millennia. Because it rises over a great period of time humans cannot discern it. They cannot see it. The 2 nd beast is also of Satanic design. He arises out of the land. He does not rise out of peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues. His emergence in the world is different. His emergence is related to his two horns. He is not a human. The word “he” is related to the image of the beast with its horns, not a human entity. His two horns are interpreted as kings. Horns equate to kings, or kingdoms, or powers. Two powers arise to complete Satan's global world government. (My book or film goes into great detail as to the identity of the two kings. You can view my film. The film is called “The Deep State Prophecy and the Last Trump'') The function of the False Prophet beast, the second beast, is to facilitate the final capstone for Satan's beast system which emerges from the sea. Beast two has all the “power”(legal power) of the first beast to bring about Globalism. Beast two uses three powers to assist in the gigantic millennium long Satanic construction. 1. fire from above 2. an image that has spiritual life 3. a mark without which no one can buy or sell The “fire from above” is the threat and use of military high tech, ie, Missiles, Lasers, Drones, Nuclear Weapons, etc. “The Mark” is the most talked about and it is a new money system different then anything ever seen in history. But what about the “image” of the beast? What is the image? If the beast system is not something concrete and not discernible by humans, then how can an image be made of something that has been under construction for 5000 years, virtually invisible, and then has “pneuma” or spirit life? The image of the beast is also not concrete. But it is a representation of the 1 st beast. There can be only one answer. It is something that can be seen that has spirit life; albeit evil spirit life. Yet all the world bows down to it and worships it. It is used to control the people of the world and it is clearly the MEDIA. For greater insight please watch the film “The Deep State Prophecy and the Last Trump”
August 10, 2023
Most of my father's extended family, Jews from Hungary, were sent to concentration camps by Hitler, but the pattern of hatred in Germany was set in motion many centuries earlier far before the rise of the 3 rd Reich. Ironically Martin Luther who spearheaded the Protestant Reformation hated the Jews. It was his antisemitism that was celebrated by Hitler the night of the broken glass, which was Luther's birthday. It was not by coincidence! The kristallnacht started the holocaust. Hitler praised Luther's hatred and used his birthday as the historical landmark for commencing the extermination of the Jews. Jews have a long memory of the history of antisemitism and with Luther's contempt and even hatred of the Jews he unfortunately linked Christianity with Nazism. Anything the Christian church approves of the left finds repulsive and associates with Hitler and the Nazi antisemitism. And this is why today, the Jewish controlled mainstream media associates Christianity with Hitler. The left therefore calls Trump a Nazi because the Christian Church by and large supports Trump, and Trump calls himself a Christian. Yet the Nazi party was actually "national socialism" and not of the conservative right. How bizarre and twisted the logic! But it was Luther the father of the Reformation and the birth of multitudes of Protestant churches in the 16 th century that set the stage for the current 21 st century acrimonious Jewish media debacle. What a mess! The truth will set you free.
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