God in His great empathy with our predicament on prison planet earth has set forth signs and wonders. They were given to assist anyone who would listen in finding the Truth! One of those great signs was told in the book of Isaiah in the 19th chapter.
This is what was written in the scriptures.
“I will build a monument in the land of Siriad and it will be in
the midst and border thereof, and it will be a witness unto the
Lord of hosts” Isaiah 19.
There is a connection between this monument in Isaiah and a war in the 12th chapter of the book of Revelation, but first the anomaly of the monument that is mentioned herein.
What is strange is that the monument is in the midst and at the border at the same time! How could this be?
Egypt was divided. There was an upper Egypt and also a lower Egypt.
The Great Pyramid answers to this description. First, it is in the land of Siriad. Siriad is the ancient name of Cairo, and the line between upper Egypt and lower Egypt goes right through the top of the Great Pyramid. So the Great Pyramid is in the midst of Cairo, and at the border at the same time!
So, it becomes clear that the Great Pyramid is that monument that is the “witness unto the Lord of Hosts mentioned in Isaiah 19.” But how is it a witness? And how is it related to the war in the 12th chapter of Revelation?
The idea of a witness means that it would testify. The Great Pyramid is an oracle or a prophecy written in stone, but for most it remains a silent witness. It is because of religious traditionalism, and historical falsehood.
Most today accept the false idea that the Great Pyramid is a giant tomb of an old dead Pharaoh.
But in the so-called King's chamber of the Great Pyramid (no mummy of a king was found there nor a mummy in any of the pyramids of Egypt), there are two air shafts that point into space, and specifically they point at certain star configurations. The northern duct points to a place called Alpha Draconis.
In the book of Revelation chapter 12 we find that a war takes place in what is called the heavens. The word heaven must be interpreted in context. There can be no war in the realm of God! So this war takes place in the heavens or rather in space and specifically in our Milky Way Galaxy.
It is in this explanation of war we find that the “great dragon” was cast out of the heavens or our galaxy, and that he was thrown down to earth. In this world he is called “Satan “but in the book of Revelation he was first called the “great dragon” and from the constellation Draco.
This is where the air duct in the king’s chamber is pointing toward. The Great Pyramid is trying to tell us something about the location of this ancient cosmic war. It is looking back in time to a war that took place even before the creation of mankind.
As we follow the story, the great dragon pours forth a river of water from his mouth to try to consume the offspring of the woman. The woman represents Israel and the child is Jesus. The water represents the dragon's wrath or hatred of the woman, her offspring Jesus, the Jews and the Christians.
The Jews are an amazing lot. The very first followers of Jesus were all Jews. Then God opened up the door to the gentiles to come into His Kingdom.
The dragon hates the Christians and the Jews. This fact is very evident especially today. We can easily see the spiritual effect of the great dragon on earth
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, some forty years later, multitudes of Jews were destroyed and those who did survive were disenfranchised from their land in 70 AD and sent into the wilderness of the nations. They survived the wrath of the dragon in the wilderness from the pogroms and hatred of the gentile nations who expressed the wrath of the dragon.
We find in the 12th chapter that the earth helps the woman as she flees into the wilderness. This is what has happened over the last 2000 years.
“And the earth helped the woman”
And these hated people had survived what is called “the diaspora” and are now back in their land. The symbolism of Revelation 12 is confirmed by Jewish history!
So the Great Pyramid is a sign of great significance pointing back to where the book of Revelation indicates that a cosmic war took place and how this war has impacted human kind on the earth!