The cataclysmic conflict between two world views is driving humanity towards a collective mental breakdown. Rapidly a climax is being reached and the world senses it! What is the meaning of these monumental happenings in our time?
"The Deep State Prophecy and the last Trump"
Not since the forth century AD has there come a full and clear revelation of Jesus death. Religious confusion has clouded men's eyes for centuries. Today, religious tradition has become the dogmatic view for how, where and the why Jesus died. How could there be more to know? Is it possible the whole world lies in religious confusion. Is there more we simply do not know or cannot see? The flaming sword of truth cuts through the haze of centuries in "The Unforgettable Tree."
This continuation of the series, in vivid detail, is the conclusion of the trilogy and explains the transcendental purpose, and prophetic message of the Great Pyramid and why the message was encased in stone. It points to the location of the great war in the heavens written in the book of Revelation. The age old questions of why we are here, what we are to learn here on earth, and points to where we are going.