The last remaining wonder of the world remains in a shroud of darkness. It is the first film of a trilogy that reveals and lays bare the hidden meaning of the Great Pyramid After four thousand years virtually laying in the dust of the Egyptian desert sands the truth comes to light as Ken Klein takes you to Egypt the mysterious land of the pharaohs. The Great Pyramid is literally a prophecy hidden in stone.

This film is the second film of the trilogy. In this film Ken Klein takes you inside the Great Pyramid with never before seen footage of the Grand Gallery, the ante-chamber, and the Kings chamber, then with animated computer graphics the pyramid is deconstructed as you literally fly into the inner sanctum of the Great Pyramid the mystery of the ages.

This continuation of the series, in vivid detail, is the conclusion of the trilogy and explains the transcendental purpose, and prophetic message of the Great Pyramid and why the message was encased in stone. It points to the location of the great war in the heavens written in the book of Revelation. The age old questions of why we are here, what we are to learn here on earth, and points to where we are going.

Ever wanted to go to the Holy Land but couldn’t afford the price? Now you can visit the land where the prophets walked, ancient battles were fought, and where Jesus died and rose again. From the Golan heights to the Negev from Beersheba to Jerusalem you will see it all in Touring Israel.

Today, the great sign of the coming Jewish third temple has the world holding its collective breath. The prevailing view is that the former temple, and therefore their future prophetic temple will be built on the same spot. But is that view correct? The Jews great hope is that if they build their temple the Messiah will come. This film has set off a firestorm of conflict and controversy in Jerusalem and around the world, because it clearly demonstrates the pejorative view is false and incorrect.

This film escorts us back into time and provides a 360 degree panoramic view from the historic to the prophetic. From Egypt to the end times the film is a tool of laser light cutting away the mental debris of misguided tradition and misconstrued religious dogma and lifts you to the heights of eagle vision. You will clearly understand the depth and roots of the “deep state,” and the great conflict and political divide.

The mysterious harlot woman of Revelation is pinpointed in this ground shaking presentation. It is an exposure of the thousands of world religions that have deceived the multitudes aligning themselves with Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots. Christianity is not excused. Have you been deceived by her?

The most remarkable breakthrough in biblical eschatology since Hal Lindsey’s monumental “Late Great Planet Earth.” The prophetic scriptures come alive as never before evidence emerges in the clear identification of the infamous Beast and the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation. It's here and it's now!

This film cannot age because it is timeless. The numerous signs that point to the return of Christ continue to develop as they manifest on the earth. You will see how the ancient prophets predicted what would come upon the earth before Christ returns. We are in those last moments before the unprecedented event. If your faith is languishing you will be fortified when you view this remarkable presentation.

This film is outright freaky. It was shot on the Mississippi river at the Avondale ship yard in New Orleans. Many strange spiritual phenomena were captured in two million candle power infra red light. Never before footage of humanly unexplained manifestations of the supernatural. This is a hair raising film; discretion is advised. (Certainly not for children). “We wrestle not against flesh but against spiritual forces in the heavenly places.” This is that!

Never before in the history of mankind has there come a more dangerous moment. The advancement of technology has brought us to the brink. The accelerating development of artificial intelligence is walking in lockstep with the technological advancement of gene splicing. Scientists and technicians are now able to meld human DNA with animal DNA. Thus, we on planet earth are in the midst of a new arms race, as hostile nations rush to militarize humans with infra-red night vision capacities extracted from the DNA of cats and owls.

Whether you are a futurist or historian you will enjoy traveling to Petra in Jordan. Petra is the city of refuge for the Jews. Most certainly they fled to Petra when the Romans destroyed their temple in 70 AD and just maybe they will have to flee again in the coming trouble. In any event you will skirted back in time when you visit Petra-Secret Hiding Place of Israel.

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