A Covenant with Destiny
Without a doubt, there is no more highly anticipated event in the history of mankind than the return of Christ to earth; all the maladies that beset the human race will disappear.
Over the centuries there have been numerous signs that have pointed the world toward the magnificent, and concluding event.
The most obvious sign is the mysterious Jews. After two thousand years of being disenfranchised and cast out of their land they are miraculously back.
There remains on more sign; one last grand sign that has yet to come into view; ... and that sign, until it manifests and materializes, is the missing piece of the puzzle.
That sign is the long awaited rebuilding of the Jewish temple. Once the temple is rebuilt the "times of the gentiles," will come to an end.
For centuries the Jews pray at the "wailing wall" believing religious tradition which places their temple where the Muslim Dome of the Rock defiantly sits.
Is this really the actual site for their temple? Could the Jews possibly be mistaken? Is their confusion concerning the site of their temple preventing the return of the Christ?
The implications of this last sign are monumental, and not just to Israel, but to every human being on the face of this planet.
This film is about that last sign.
What a shocker! The prevailing idea is that the Jews will build their third temple on the temple mount. And the Christians think the same thing. I too held this view and had for many years. But now after watching this incredible film, I don’t think so. There are too many facts and improbable conclusion that have formed public opinion that this film disproves. I found it hard to put away what I formerly held to but after considering what was presented I could not deny the obvious proof. As was stated in the film, tradition is the enemy of truth.
Pamela Murren
Ken, Great piece of work. This is your best yet.
Paula Resner
I’m ruined. Now I will have to go to Israel to see for myself.
Frank Collins