Almost one half the world's population of 7 billion people is either Muslim, Jewish, or Christian. And each is deeply passionate, and religiously invested in a 35 acre parcel of land in Jerusalem called the “Temple Mount.”
The Muslims fiercely believe their prophet Mohamed left his footprints on the rock sitting underneath the Dome of the Rock shrine; the last remaining evidence of his human existence, before he ascended into heaven. The Jews believe the Temple Mount precinct is the very site of their former two temples and will once again be the site of their predicted third temple. The Christians are deeply invested because their prophets have predicted that Jesus will walk through the sealed “eastern gate” and then sit down beginning His Millennium reign from the Jews rebuilt third temple on the “Temple Mount.”
None of these three monotheistic religions can possibly let go of their deeply seated passions connected to this sacred real estate.
But now there is absolute proof; that this is not the actual site, and the unprecedented film, “Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews” proves this fact conclusively with 100% accuracy.
And while these three religions represent not quite one half of the worlds population, the inhabitants of the whole planet are also deeply affected by this 35 acre controversial piece of land.
One would think either Washington DC. or London or Rome, the very locations of political, financial and religious power and authority would far outdistance little ole Jerusalem in world importance, influence, and significance; but no, not even close.
Jerusalem was; and still is, the center of the Earth, and that is because God chose Jerusalem to be the site where He would place His Name. He magnified Jerusalem's importance by placing His very presence (His Shekinah Glory) in the Temple underscoring His sovereign choice for His Name on this planet. But …...currently it does not seem to be the case, and the world community is totally unaware, indifferent and could hardly care less.
Nevertheless; …....the implications of this new film;
“Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews”
are indeed monumental….for it will not only shake the modern day Christian prophecy teachers to their core, but it could change the history and political outcome of the entire middle east.
The Jews, who were appointed to be custodians of God's “Shekinah” Presence, temporarily forfeited the honor. Yet, providence has turned, and they are once again back in their land; after 2000 years of banishment, and now preparing for their third temple, and thus the return of the “Shekinah Presence.”
These people; with their unprecedented history, are tenaciously committed to the rebuilding of their third temple. They whole heatedly believe God will once again bring His Glory back into their third Temple, thus bringing peace to the earth.
But.... under these current dynamics what can allow for the building of the third temple? The answer is.....nothing!
Currently....we are presently witnessing another fanciful round of peace talks which actually began in 1948, but will once again pitifully fail. This time; lead by Secretary of State John Kerry, they will prove to be futile, and insignificant. It reminds one of the ridiculous efforts of the United States to convince the Japanese to surrender at the end of World War 2.
….....But it took a weapon of mass destruction to end WW2.
And it will take another type of “weapon of mass destruction” to end the impasse in the middle east...
…....and most specifically with regard to the “Temple Mount” in order to bring an end to the untenable and impossible conundrum that has a choke hold and blinded all the peoples of the earth.
It will not be a chemical, biological or nuclear weapon, but a weapon that is mighty in bringing down strongholds in peoples minds; “a spiritual weapon of mass destruction.”
Deeply embedded traditional religious views based upon fanciful myths, legends, folklore and false histories must be brought down, and it will take a spiritual weapon to bring this to pass.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalt itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Cor 10:1-6
This new film “Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews” is that weapon, and that is why it is more than just another DVD.
It is mighty through God to the pulling down of stubborn and persistent strong holds, and the casting down of vain imaginations and baseless religious traditions. It's unprecedented claims are built on the solid proofs of archaeological evidence, eye witness accounts, and corroborating biblical texts.
You will visit all the sights and see for yourself along with vivid CG animations, re-enactments and expert commentary the truth that can finally be told.
This film promises to alter your world view, reversing the disturbing political impasse of the middle east, as it conclusively and convincingly proves and demonstrates the actual site for the Jews
3rd temple; the residence of God's Name and His Physical Presence.
“Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews” is beyond an historic film, it is a prophecy of what is to come.....