In Israel at the time of Jesus, tax collecting, and the toll or census, was taken outside “the amp.” But what was the Camp? ( we are deeply indebted to the late Dr, Ernest Martin, and his tremendous research in his book the “Secrets of Golgotha”)
The Camp was a circle that defined and enclosed the twelve tribes. Its center point was the Temple. It was a Sabbath day's journey (about 1 ⁄ 4 mile) from the center point of the Temple to the perimeter of the circle which again defined the Camp.
If the center of the “Camp of Israel” was calculated and measured from the point of the “Dome of the Rock” shrine, then the “Garden Tomb” area would fall inside the circle, and therefore inside the Camp. And just as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre would have been inside the circle (the Camp) it too would also be disqualified from being the site of Christ’s crucifixion. Remember He was killed outside the Camp!
But since it has been convincingly proven that the real “Temple Mount” was over the city of David and not where the Dome of the Rock sits, then the famous Garden Tomb would fall outside “the Camp.” And the notion that the “Garden Tomb” was the actual area where Jesus died, buried, and rose again would still be in play.
Then one could still argue that the “Garden Tomb” might still be the spot where Jesus was killed, buried, and rose again, since it would be outside “the Camp.”
But the idea that the “Garden Tomb” as being outside the Camp is only known to those who know where the temples were actually built in the first place, which was over the city of David. For if the point within the circle of the Camp were taken from the south east ridge then the “Garden tomb” location would indeed still fall outside “the Camp.”
Since that potential remains, what other facts are there to maintain the assumption for why the “Garden Tomb” should still be considered as the place where Jesus died and rose again?
What is the basis for such insistence for the “Garden Tomb” area as the most legitimate site of the most holy events. In other words why is it so religiously held to as the real and valid place of the crucifixion of Jesus? Where did the tradition come from in the first place?
“Look not at the things that are seen but the things which are unseen!
Let us remember that sadly “seeing is believing.” People must see with their physical eyes to believe. The Garden Tomb is a physical place that can be seen. It presents the pilgrim with the alleged physical proof. It is the physical necessity which can be experienced via the human senses.
So what actually does the unwary pilgrim see at the Garden tomb, which he can mistakenly attribute to the Biblical narrative?
There are a number of things or facts in the Bible that people can and do associate commonly with physical locations. For example the “Garden of Gethsemane.” It is a common destination on any tour that the tour guides take pilgrims to in Jerusalem.
There is a very old grove of trees just immediately east of the Kidron valley across from the sealed eastern gate of the Temple Mount which is generally regarded to be the actual and legitimate “Garden of Gethsemane.” It is the spot; they tell you, where Jesus prayed and where he was captured the night He was betrayed by Judas.
That particular grove of olive trees looks extremely old. Since they look older than Methusalah it is not hard to convince the people that the trees are at least two thousand years old. They definitely look very old. Seeing is believing right? Well the trees do look old, so there is credibility because of visible evidence. The people accept the story as the truth. Again seeing is believing!
The truth is the trees actually do look very ancient, so it is not difficult to convince the people that since the trees look so old then perhaps this really is the place where Jesus prayed and where He was really arrested. The ancient look of the trees makes it entirely entreatable. The visuals are powerful reinforcement of the Biblical narrative!
The tourists are told that these were the actual trees from the time of Jesus and they still remain. That means, allegedly, the trees in that grove are two thousand years old. Since the trees are just across from what they have been led to believe is the site of the temple, wallah, it must be the Garden of Gethsemane.
It is an easy sell. But the pitch is built on a mountain of falsehoods.
In the study of the writings of Flavius Josephus at the time of the invasion of Jerusalem by the Roman tenth legion, and later by Hadrian in the suppression of the Bar Kokhba revolt, all the trees of the city were cut down. Trees were even cut down a great distance from the city.
So devastating was the Romans blighting of the land and so thorough that there was nothing left. There was nothing left in the entire area, and for some distance beyond; nothing was left. After the destruction when people visited the area, and were told that there once was a city standing in that place, they could not believe it. Nothing was left.
According to Eliazer who led the Masada revolt that ended in 73 A.D., he stated “there was nothing left but the Roman fortress Antonia.” Jesus said the same as to what would happen to the city, “not one stone would be left standing on another.”
The fact is the Romans blighted the whole area. No trees were left standing. So then how could this old grove of trees have been the spot where Jesus prayed and where He was captured? It cannot be! It was not the garden of Gethsemane.
But again the unwary pilgrim is duped because “seeing the very old trees is believing!”
But what about the Garden Tomb area? What is there to see with the eyes that would lend people to believe this was the place where Jesus was buried and rose again?
How are claims substantiated that the Garden Tomb area was the site? What are the geographical material facts, and how are they manipulated and made to legitimize the “Garden Tomb as the most holy place.
First of all there are three physical reasons why the claims are made. There is a garden, there is a tomb, and there is a “skull rock.”
All three of these physical features seemingly, but not truly, answer the biblical narrative. Nevertheless, in reality the interpretation of the Garden Tomb geography is actually forced to conform to the biblical narrative!
The tomb of Jesus was near a garden that had much water and it was hewn out of rock. There was a stone that rolled in front of the tomb to seal it. Watch this!
Firstly, at the “Garden Tomb '' one can see a slot in front of a tomb where a stone could have been rolled. So this plays into the false narrative. And because this fits nicely into the biblical description of a rolling stone covering a tomb this makes for good storytelling. Here they say, is tangible physical proof.
The physical evidence, such as the rolling stone in front of the tomb, makes it easy to assume the physical fits the bible narrative. But it does not!
But there are guides and preachers who stand before the tomb to reinforce and remind the pilgrim of these so called “obvious” features which they allege are the actual representations of the biblical account. Here is the first problem with that story.
When Jesus died standing next to Him was a Roman centurion. At the moment when Christ gave up His Spirit there was a massive earthquake. The earthquake shook the temple. The effect of the earthquake was so powerful that it broke the lintel from which hung the sixty foot curtain that covered the entrance into the Holy of Holies. When the thirty ton lintel broke it split the sixty foot curtain from top to bottom. All the people standing around the crucified Jesus saw the event that tore the curtain hanging in front of the temple
The exclamation of the Roman soldier was very instructive.
“ surely this must have been the Son of God.”
The Garden Tomb area is on the north side of town and just north of the Damascus gate, how was it possible for the Romans soldier to have seen the curtain tear? The only place this could have been witnessed would have been to the east of the temple, and high enough to look down into the temple area.
The north side of town outside the walls of the city was far too low in altitude. And the Garden Tomb was too far away and could not have been seen from the north side of town.
In addition the line of vision would have been blocked by the wall of the city, not to mention the Antonia fortress that would have stood in between blocking any line of sight.
The Garden Tomb area north of the Damascus gate would not have allowed for the soldier and the others at the vantage point to see the curtain tear. Their line of view had to be from the east to the west, and not north to south.
Jesus died east of the temple!
This one simple fact alone, begins to obliterate the religious tradition of the Garden Tomb. The physical features at the Garden Tomb area cause people to still hold fast to the tradition rather than these important facts. However there is an emotional response when people wholeheartedly believe the Garden Tomb area to be the actual site of Jesus burial. Once that emotion is triggered it is almost impossible to convince them otherwise.
Ok, then what about the “skull rock” just next to the Garden Tomb called Golgotha?
When Jews would come into the environs of Jerusalem they would travel on the road that was east of the city and would come through a pass that separated the northern half of the Mt of Olives from the southern half of the Mt of Olives. This was the same road Jesus traveled when He made His triumphal entry on the donkey.
As the people traveled the road they would pass by Bethphage which would have been to their right and just up ahead would have been the '' fig tree” that Jesus cursed. The people who journeyed on that road for feasts and festivals for the most part came from the east.
There on that road, but not yet to “the Camp” of Israel, were those who collected taxes from the people. Taxes had to be collected outside the Camp. The reason for this was because had any individual come to the area sick or infirm he /she was still required to pay taxes, but their illness would not have allowed them entry into the Camp. In order to collect taxes even from the sick it had to be done outside “the Camp” lest the sick defile and infect “the Camp.” Taxes had to be collected, and it was for this reason the tax collector had to do this outside “the Camp.”
But having a location outside “the Camp” was also for another reason. It was for taking the census or a poll. Again for the same reason, had anyone been sick they still had to be counted.
The taking of the poll was called the “golgalet,” or the Hebrew word for counting of heads. And the place of the counting was called “the golgalet.”
Look at this most amazing scripture.
“Take ye the sum (Hebrew: lift up the rosh census or (the poll) of all the congregation of the children of Israel, after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number of their names (individual names) of every male by their polls.” ( Hebrew : golgolet) Numbers 1:2
While the words rosh and golgalet are similar, rosh means census or poll, and golgolet means “head.” In this sense the meaning is very obvious, the counting of heads. Today the place where we vote is indeed called the place of polling or the polls. It is the place of the “golgolet” or the counting of heads.
But the term golgolet also had a secondary meaning. It can also mean skull. But the majority of biblical texts suggest it is to be translated as head. And in this it is very clear (as evidenced from the scripture above out of numbers) that you do not count dead bodies (ie skulls of dead people) you count live heads.
So in the taking up of taxes (east of the city on the road into town, and outside the camp ) it was a poll tax, or a “head tax.” The place of the poll tax became known as Golgotha; an obvious derivative of the word golgolet
Thus the place of the counting of heads became known as Golgotha. Pay you poll tax at Golgotha. The place of the counting of heads.
Jesus was killed at “Golgotha” which was outside the Camp and east of the Temple. The skull rock next to the Garden Tomb is a geological anomaly and conveniently used which inadvertently hides the real identity and proper location and meaning of Golgotha.
The real site of Golgotha was on the southern side of the northern portion of the Mt of Olives. The funny looking skull near the Garden Tomb is a subtle physical feature used erroneously to form a false conformity to the biblical narrative.
The Latin word for Golgotha is “Calvary.”
When I stop to consider and think of how many songs and hymns have been written and how many sermons preached using the Latin term Calvary, as a pristine word for Golgotha. And then with its true meaning coming forth it is a mind blowing ignorance!
In so many ways and instances Christianity is built like a house of cards; not on the Word but on foolish religious traditions.
Is it any wonder why the great apostle John was shocked and astonished when he viewed the woman riding the beast? And can it be more clear, what the meaning of the woman riding the beast clothed in scarlet and drinking the blood of the saints could be?
It is astonishing!
It is high time to really bear down and follow the scripture, and depart from following foolish traditions.
Stay with me.